AssetWise Inspections

Basic Navigation

Understanding the basics of AssetWise Inspections will help users easily navigate its pages and get the most out of its features. The two components that make up the majority of the navigation in are the tab menu and the Asset Tree.

Tab Menu

The header is the main tool used to navigate to almost every page and feature in AssetWise Inspections. It is separated into each of the tabs with additional tabs for each user's main information and the help system.

Note: Not all pages in AssetWise Inspections have a direct route from the header. Some of the most important pages in AssetWise Inspections the Asset Details page and the entire inspection report process can only be accessed using the Asset Tree or certain links and controls in the software.
Note: Not all users will see what is shown in the above image. Tab permissions are set by the administrator and are determined by the user's role.

Asset Tree and Quick Search Bar

The Asset Tree and quick search bar in the top right corner of the application allow the user to navigate to a specific asset in the system where the user can view that asset's details, create/edit reports, etc.

To locate an asset using the Asset Tree, click the button to open the Asset Tree:

The +/symbols expand/minimize the parent assets in the Asset Tree. When the desired asset is located, select the asset to be taken to its Asset Details page.

Alternatively, the user can type into the quick search bar and the results will populate automatically with any assets that contain the text typed into the quick search bar: